Bow down- there’s a big bow in town & she’s here to make a statement. Clip on this satin beauty for a look that’s pretty & preppy.
All for one, one for all: Along with styling possibilities, what also makes the INH Satin Bow clips so versatile is that a number of hair lengths and textures love to wear it.
Durable, non-slip & easy to use: looking to clip back some extra strands? Our big bows do the trick seamlessly with a secure hold. Simply clip in, and she’ll be there to hold your hair back even when you’re on the go.
Doesn’t weigh you down: This barrette might be bold, but it’s not too heavy! No hair damage here.
No damage: This bow might be big, but she’s not too tight. Insert Big Bow Here clips onto your hair gently, and helps prevent the typical breakage that comes with putting your hair up.